Gatsby ImageSharp from a URL
July 29, 2018•☕️ 1 min readRecently, I wrote a Gatsby source plugin that fetch images from Dog API (gatsby-source-dog). After finishing the core functionality of calling the API, I was not satisfied because it only gave me dog image URLs. I can’t do all the fancy “blur up” or “trace SVG” effect from Gatsby Image with just an URL. I wanted to generate ImageSharp from those URLs.
After hours of research into how I could perform this, I decided to seek some directions from @jlengstorf. He pointed me to a function called createRemoteFileNode
(thank you Jason). It became a smooth sailing from there as I could quickly figure out how to use it to implement my feature.
So, here’s how I generate Gatsby ImageSharp from an Image URLs:
High Level Concept
The function createRemoteFileNode
takes a URL and download it to a local file. With an image URL, we use that function and 2 other plugins, gatsby-plugin-sharp
and gatsby-tranformer-sharp
to generate an ImageSharp from that file.
In my Gatsby source plugin, I fetched image URLs and turned them into a new node, DogImage. I then used the process described above to create new ImageSharp. Afterwards, I used the ___NODE
appendix to connect the 2 nodes.
In Code
Let’s say we have a node DogImage with a field url
, which is the image URL. We’ll use onCreateNode
lifecycle function from Gatsby Node API to extend that node to generate an ImageSharp.
Let’s put this in our gatsby-node.js
// in our gatsby-node.jsimport { onCreateNode } from "./on-create-node"...export { onCreateNode }
Now, all the code we need will be in our on-create-node.js
What we wanna do is:
- Check if the node is DogImage
- Use
to download the image - Link the newly downloaded File to the DogImage node
Here was how I implemented that:
// in our on-create-node.jsimport { createRemoteFileNode } from "gatsby-source-filesystem"async function onCreateNode({ node, actions, store, cache }) {// if the node is not DogImage, we don't wanna do anythingif (node.internal.type !== "DogImage") {return}const { createNode } = actions// download image and create a File node// with gatsby-transformer-sharp and gatsby-plugin-sharp// that node will become an ImageSharpconst fileNode = await createRemoteFileNode({url: node.url,store,cache,createNode,createNodeId: id => `dog-image-sharp-${id}`,})if (fileNode) {// link File node to DogImage node// at field imagenode.image___NODE =}}}export default onCreateNode
With this code, we can perform this query
{allDogImage {edges {node {urlimage {childImageSharp {fluid {...GatsbyImageSharpFluid}}}}}}}
and get a “blur up” effect on our images. 🎉🎉
Wrap Up
This seems like a common functionality, yet it took me a while to research, explore, and implement. Hopefully this post saves you some time, problems, and frustration. To learn more about the star of the show, createRemoteFileNode
, you can read more at gatsby-source-filesystem
’s documentation. And if you want to see what I show you here in action, feel free to check out the source code of my plugin: gatsby-source-dog.